Dreams of Freedom
by Alexandra Vusir
Dreams of Freedom
Alexandra Vusir
Digital Art - Digital Art Based On Sketches & Photography
Self portrait. Experimental photography and digital rendering of my original photos. Camera art, smart phone photography.
I found one of my old selfies and played around with it to get some interesting compositions, I always save those selfies to work on later and find new ways to portray the world and my thoughts. Mostly when I compose my art, both photograpy and paintings, I don't have a "big theme of social justice or psychology" in mind. On the contrary, I only look for the interesting cinematic feel or composition. And always. without fail I end up with my inner thoughts that manifested into the work. It's very interesting for me personally - it puts words and clarity to my reality through the subconscious. The subconscious talks to me this way. And I always go: ...."aha...I see...great to know"...
My explanatory text as it was written to a contest I participated in here on FAA, called Genuin Freedom by Steve Henderson:
I call this experimental photography piece "Dreams of Freedom". I didn't have a descriptive text to it when I entered your contest but think I might add what I write here:
Freedom. It seems someone doesn't want us to be free. They seem like they are succeding, but that is only half of the truth. Your physical freedom might be taken away which will create fear and the sense of limited options. There is another level to freedom: It is a matter of perception. How can we feel free when the world seems to close down? It is then necessary to dive into the depths of ones inner world - because here is the real freedom. I personally always feel free. Because I am. No one can take my freedom away. They might think they have. But this can never happen. No matter what happens I will always be free. I am a free soul. This is my birth right no matter what another says or tries to trick me into believing. Such parasiting can never be long term successfull. It can only go on as long as there is a level of complience - not necessarily on a conscious level. The warrior must come forth, to fight for ones birth right - the physical freedom and in the fight realise the inner freedom that is always present. My photo represents that duality; The perception of limitations and the truth, the limitless eternal soul watching the duality playing out.
October 10th, 2020
Comments (25)
Angela Davies
A mesmerizing and thought provoking creation, loved reading your description, so insightful, thanks for sharing LF
Daniel Arrhakis
Wonderful symbolism and conceptual Artwork ! Congratulations, your creative Art was featured in our MYSTIC ART SOCIETY group !
Diamante Lavendar
Congratulations! Your wonderful art is being featured in Emotive Art Group! Please take a moment to visit the group and archive your work under the feature discussion link provided! ~Diamante
Hartmut Jager
Congratulations ALEXANDRA on your very imaginative and intriguing art-work for being chosen as the SOCIAL COMMENTARY OF THE WEEK, in the: - Our World Gallery - group ! -
Brian Sereda
Hey I thought I saw this one . Funny how we go back to the ones we like, Alexandra! Keep up the great work! A Propos, " Your description has moments of Descartes Meditations, these dictyums we have all pondered I am sure as all thinking beings do. For example Meditation II "I am, I exist" is necessarily true every time it is uttered by me or conceived in my mind". Is this the Freedom you speak of, I think I interpret it so, it gives you allowance for all other external forces to be exempt as yo know you are Free. Perhaps I am wrong, sorry if I misunderstood, Always liked Philo and the concept of reality and "What is Freedom?"
Alexandra Vusir replied:
Thanks Brian, I appreciate you took time to read my description! I've been contemplating life since the age of 13 and reading heavy philosophical work since age 15 so I can't answer it with a simple line. Freedom is many things and different to all beings depending of their understanding of who they are and what life is. It's also about their background. Two people with the seemingly same background, one may feel imprisoned and the other free. As long as we are being restricted in any way or not being able to fullfill our potential we are not free. It would take me hours to explain this piece because it's about my entire life and all my knowledge this far about this reality.
Alexandra Vusir replied:
And to add: this was 2021 when Covid restricted the world and a big part of this piece is about that.
Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, on SOCIAL COMMENTARY OF THE WEEK, in Our World Gallery, group!
Lenore Senior
CONGRATULATIONS, Alexandra! This fine work is my choice for Social Commentary of the Week in the fine art group, Our World Gallery! Awesome in all ways! v/f/feature, pin, tw, fb promotion!
Alexandra Vusir
Thank you to all who commented here!! It seems I never answered, I've not been so good at answering the last year, so sorry. I appreciate ALL of your lovely comments and kindness. THANK YOU for liking my art!
Bentley Davis
Congratulations! I have chosen this piece to be featured in the Art for the Love of Art group.
Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Photographic Camera Art" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet!
Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your creative and unique art work is Featured on the homepage of the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group! 10/18/20 l/f/pin
Alexandra Vusir
Thank you Brian Sereda, I erased your comment by mistake, so sorry! It said: Vusirs Spritis, Alexandra (I think...). Very witty, Brian, haha, thanks, indeed, the delicious one.