Introspection Blue

by Alexandra Vusir
Introspection Blue
Alexandra Vusir
Digital Art - Digital Art
Digital Artwork.
Observations during meditation. 12 years of Vipassana, a buddhist tradition, throws one into deep states of awareness. I believe we live in a simulation, a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream...
My original photos manipulated in Photoshop.
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January 4th, 2019
Comments (29)

Alex Lapidus
Congratulations, your image has been featured in the Experimental Photography group -- thanks for sharing it with us! Please feel free to add it to the 2022 Feature Archive in the Discussion section (using the "embed" link on your image page).

Aurelio Zucco
Wonderful work, Alexandra...you have such an imagination and create some really inspired work! L/F

Alexandra Vusir
Thank you so much Elisabeth for voting!! I wish I could vote back, however FAA has now put a limit of 25 votes!

Alexandra Vusir
Thank you so much Johanna for the votes! I tried to vote back but FAA has set a limit of 25 votes now!

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the Features Archive discussion as well as any other discussion in which it would fit.